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Deprecated in v2

Deprecated in v2

On-chain manifest (v1) to Off-chain URI (v2)

  • What it did: The on-chain manifest in v1 was responsible for storing metadata associated with tokens directly on the blockchain.
  • Why deprecated: Storing metadata on-chain resulted in certain limitations related to scalability and flexibility of data structures.
  • Alternatives: In v2, we have transitioned to off-chain URIs, primarily recommending usage of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for hosting metadata. This shift enhances scalability and offers flexibility in data storage while aligning with a more decentralised approach.

(defschema token-schema manifest:object{manifest} )


	(defschema token-schema

Single Policy Implementation (v1) to Multiple Policy Implementation (v2)

  • What it did: In v1, only a single policy could be implemented during the token creation process.

  • Why deprecated: This limited the scope of potential applications as each token was constrained to one specific policy.

  • Alternatives: Marmalade v2 supports the inclusion of multiple policies. This flexibility widens the range of possible use-cases for each token, allowing them to be tailored more closely to the unique requirements of various projects.

    v1: Policy expected a single module:

    (defschema token-schema

    v2: Policy is replaced with policies supporting a list of policies conforming kip.token-policy-v2:

    (defschema token-details

Direct Enforcement (v1) to Policy Manager (v2)

  • What it did: v1 required invoking enforce-** functions directly from the policy during the policy enforcement process.

  • Why deprecated: This approach could lead to scattered policy enforcement management, making the process potentially less orderly and efficient.

  • Alternatives: In v2, enforcement functions are invoked from a centralized policy-manager. This streamlined approach facilitates more efficient policy management and enforcement.

    v1: (policy::enforce-init)

    v2: (marmalade.policy-manager.enforce-init)

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